Having lunch with his district (Notice Briton L. right above Hunter)

FELIZ NAVIDAD on my part. I can’t believe Christmas is coming up. I’ll be honest it just doesn’t feel like Christmas when I’m still sweating. I’m starting to miss the whole white Christmas thing. The Christmas music doesn’t really help either. It’s good to see that everything is going so well back home. It kinda bums me out that I am missing all the Weddings, because I really don’t know what a wedding is like, but hey I’m pretty sure I will see some back home right hahaha. This was kind of a depressing week because the investigator that we were going to baptize never showed up to his interview or church so we didn’t have a baptism this week :(.
Now I must explain our Christmas devotional with president because it was SO COOL.
Thursday we woke up early, well normal, and headed to the stake center. There we met the other zone (2 zone activity). Then we went to a local orphanage. I’m about 78% sure I spelled that wrong. So we get there and start heading off to our assigned areas. 1 district was in charge of bathrooms and 3 others were in charge of cleaning the floor levels (there were 3) and my district was in charge of painting! The best one. And while all of us elders were working hard the sister were busy playing with the children. Typical. Let me just say that we painted the heck out of the orphanage. No matches for me I painted like half of that building. I was on fire. Everyone was like cheering me on and stuff. It was a pretty neat experience to be able to help all those kids that really don’t have anything. We were able to bring them Christmas. That was probably an activity that I will never forget!!! After we had a dinner in the stake center and president gave us our gifts which were super cool as well.

We also had a super cool branch Christmas party this week. Of course we were in charge and they told us at the last minute like always. I will be honest it was pretty dang cool though. We had a ´share the gift´activity. We showed the He’s the gift videos to everyone and then they all filled out a little card that says ``I will share the gift by....`` then we took photos to make like a poster.

This was a pretty good week. Also I decorated the house super cool!!! Thanks for the little tree and little lights. I love little things Hahaha.

As for our skype chat. I will be calling you guys at 6:00 here SO THAT MEANS 5:00 PM YOUR TIME. I put it in big letters to avoid confusion.
Love ya’ll so much! Talk to ya Thursday!!