First off FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MAMA!!!!!!!! I wanted to shoot you a email on the day of your birthday but I couldn't. I hope it was WONDERFUL!!!! Time is flying! I feel like I am missing everything! No that was not Emmanuel, that was a member in our ward Ruben and his Sister Judith. The beach is soo cool! Ya I didnt buy a cowboy hat, its Rubens. Ya don't worry I am taking care of myself haha.
His Zone! |
This week was so cool!!! First off we had a district class like always Tuesday morning it was good, but after was the really fun part! We spent a little time trying to catch some of the Iguanas that live at the church haha. In fact me and Elder Moran caught all 4! I wish I had my camera so I could show you but I didn't bring it. haha Those things are so funny they live in the drains that take away the rain water so we put some string with a little loop so that when they came out for sun we pulled the string and caught them. They are the same type as that photo I sent home but like 3 times bigger haha. They are so evil, one bit E. Morans shoe and left one of his toes bleeding haha they are so strong. After we went to teach.
Then we had to head to Coatza because we had a GENERAL AUTHORITY COME!!! Elder Valenzuela from the quorum of the 70! So that was cool! He actually spoke in the last general conference I think. First we went to Coatza the night before to sleep at the house of some Elders again so that we could arrive on time the next day. It was funny because there were about 14 Elders and I was the only Gringo haha, so none of them spoke English. Then the next morning we got up at around 5o clock so that we could get ready. It was cool! Most of the Meeting was just about how we need to improve, but he is soo cool that I didnt even care that he was mad with us. haha. No but it was a really cool meeting. We set goals as a mission, he really motivated us haha. We had that meeting in Minatitlan. About 10 Zones showed up so there were about 70 Elders and 20 Sisters. Recently our mission received a group of Sisters from the united states. To be honest it was really weird speaking english to them haha. I cant speak english good anymore it is kind of sad ahah. Then after we had to make the long trip back home. Then the next day we actually ended up having to go to coatza again haha so that my companion could take some photos for his visa. So with the traffic we ended up being there about the whole day. Then we came back and had a almost normal weekend haha. Saturday we went to teach the family of my first baptism when we showed up there was a man at there house that was selling ´´garafones de agua´´ It is a big jug of drinking water. Well he has had years and years of alcohol and drug abuse so he was a little weird haha. We was walking around like he was about to die saying that his heart was going to explode so we invited him in to eat while we talked with this Hermana, but he didnt want to eat, I really dont know what he wanted, none of us could understand what was going on haha. So we put him in his 3 Wheeled bicycle wheelbarrow thing, I dont know how to describe it, ask Pres. Peterson, he will know! and we took him to his house. We got the ´´what are the mormons doing with the crazy guy look!´´ from about everyone. So we took him to his house, he told us that he hadnt eaten or drank anything the whole week, and asked us to get him a beer. So kindly haha we told him that first off that was his problem, that he needs to stop drinking and start eating and drinking water haha. So we left him in the house of his daughter, ya and we left haha. OMG then the bishop took us out to eat because we didnt have anyone to eat with. I cant tell you how much I love having a rich doctor as our bishop!!! He took us to eat at this restaurant. My Word this place was cooler than most the restaurants back home!! Now the question? What do you eat at a super nice mexican restaurant? yes you are correct, SUPER delicious TACOS haha they were soo goood!!! The meat here in mexico is so much better that back home. Well not all of it but alot of it. I felt so high class!! Now for the best part!! This restaurant also had a little Zoo!!! How cool right! I will send you the photos next week. This week was soooo cool!
Your all in my prayers! Stay safe!
-Elder Parduhn