Monday, April 28, 2014
Week 36 (April 28, 2014)
So this will be another short letter because I was stuck in the house again almost all of this week. We have 5 baptismal dates set! So we should have some baptisms here pretty soon. This week I was stuck in the house again. So not much to write about there. The good news is, is that yesterday the Elders in the other area had a baptism. It was so cool. They are both the sons of our Branch president, but they are step brothers. It was cool because they live in different states but both went to EFY together. Well the one came back with desires to be baptized, and to make it cooler, he was baptized by his brother!! it was a really neat experience!!. Other that than. The transfers came today. All 4 of us will be together another transfer. Good thing too because we are all great friends!!}
Thats about it. Hope yall have a great week!! Love yall tons!!
Elder P
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Week 35 (4/21/14)
To be honest I didn’t even know that Easter was this week. It is another thing they don’t have here. But I hope all went very well back home, and that everyone enjoyed it! What is the hope of America thing?? Sounds like it was fun. How was the farewell?? She is going to do so great. Josey Hartman got baptized?? That is so cool that she got baptized! Was it missionaries? Ya don’t worry about the Earthquake, it happened in Mexico City. It is really far away because I am on the boarder of Guatemala. Actually my companion is from there. His mom was telling all the stuff that happened. They said that it wasn’t too bad.
We had a very sad week, but there were alot of blessings. So the wedding never happened this week which was a little sad. They fought sooooooo much it’s not even funny, we Dr. Phil´ed them so much, but they continued to fight and then told us yesterday that they aren’t going to get married after all, so that was pretty sad. This week was really a hard week. Because it was like spring break down here, and because we live in a tiny town, everyone left on vacations. Literally there was no one here this week. Also all the youth from the whole mission went to EFY almost into my other area.
This week we were able to borrow a members tricycle to get around faster, as we were doing this a group of men came and robbed my companions scripture case and everything that was in it. So we spent that day just looking around the city for them.
Now for the good part. We were able to put 5 baptismal dates this week! We asked like 6 of our investigators and 5 accepted!! We are so excited!!! This week was full of bad and good which was really cool.
President Morales and his family came yesterday too. He was supposed to come at 3rd hour, so we put sacrament last so he could talk. He didn’t end up showing up until like 5 haha. So all the youth that went to EFY got up and shared their testimonies. It was really cool! Then finally President showed up. So we had a special meeting at the church. He explained alot about ward missionary work. I think that things are going to get alot better here. I love when president comes. He and his family are so cool. After we stayed and chatted with them for a bit.
I love you all tons!! Have a wonderful week!!
Elder Parduhn
Monday, April 14, 2014
Week 34 (April 14, 2014)
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He is throwing away all the coffee!! yuck!! |
Don't worry about the toes, they are fully healed. haha I miss the weather back home. Ya no it is hotter that 100 degrees where I am at. YOU ARE PAINTING the house??? Send me photos please. All the big changes are happening while I am gone, geeez. Kaden cut his hair? why? haha about this friend that you talked to. His name is Ruben, he is a member and one of my greatest friends from my other area. He thought that you were my sister. haha. He is really cool. Ill keep an eye out for the package thanks mom! I will probably get it next month when we travel to Tenosique. Ya they don't have Easter here, but the are starting ''Holy week'' It is a tradition from the catholic church, It is like spring break but they focus on the death of Christ. Tell Brittany not to worry about the language. I was really scared too, but it only comes with time and patience. When is Kelly's farewell?? I wish I could be there. How did the Johnson family thing go??? They sent me an email last week about that and I think that is really neat. That new restaurant is so cool!! You need to take a photo of the menu, I want to see what food they serve. And tell them that you have a son there in Palenque haha.
Here it was kinda a normal week. It is really hot here!! Good thing our area is too big so we don’t have to walk too much. First off we are failing our mission. There is a girl in our branch that leaves on her mission this week, but a returned missionary proposed to her and so now she doesn’t want to leave. That was our main battle this week, I am pretty sure we have lost that battle. Our investigators are doing really good. The only problem is that they don't want to give up the alcohol. So that is the problem. We do have one that came to church yesterday and she told her friend that she wants to be baptized, so we might have a baptism here soon. Good News. WE ARE MARRYING A COUPLE THIS WEEK! I'm like super excited. I am going to be a witness at their wedding ;) The branch president has been working with them, and last night we had a powerful lesson and now they want to get married! The lesson went like this,
Don't worry about the toes, they are fully healed. haha I miss the weather back home. Ya no it is hotter that 100 degrees where I am at. YOU ARE PAINTING the house??? Send me photos please. All the big changes are happening while I am gone, geeez. Kaden cut his hair? why? haha about this friend that you talked to. His name is Ruben, he is a member and one of my greatest friends from my other area. He thought that you were my sister. haha. He is really cool. Ill keep an eye out for the package thanks mom! I will probably get it next month when we travel to Tenosique. Ya they don't have Easter here, but the are starting ''Holy week'' It is a tradition from the catholic church, It is like spring break but they focus on the death of Christ. Tell Brittany not to worry about the language. I was really scared too, but it only comes with time and patience. When is Kelly's farewell?? I wish I could be there. How did the Johnson family thing go??? They sent me an email last week about that and I think that is really neat. That new restaurant is so cool!! You need to take a photo of the menu, I want to see what food they serve. And tell them that you have a son there in Palenque haha.
Here it was kinda a normal week. It is really hot here!! Good thing our area is too big so we don’t have to walk too much. First off we are failing our mission. There is a girl in our branch that leaves on her mission this week, but a returned missionary proposed to her and so now she doesn’t want to leave. That was our main battle this week, I am pretty sure we have lost that battle. Our investigators are doing really good. The only problem is that they don't want to give up the alcohol. So that is the problem. We do have one that came to church yesterday and she told her friend that she wants to be baptized, so we might have a baptism here soon. Good News. WE ARE MARRYING A COUPLE THIS WEEK! I'm like super excited. I am going to be a witness at their wedding ;) The branch president has been working with them, and last night we had a powerful lesson and now they want to get married! The lesson went like this,
Also this week was zone conference so Tuesday morning we got up at 5:00 to make our way to tenosique, funny thing is, is that the cumbi '10 seater van' was broken so we had to take a very expensive uncomfortable taxi ride for 4 hours to tenosique haha. It was a super cool conference though. I've got a bunch of friends in this zone haha. That was pretty much our week.
ohh if you can please send up prayers for my friend Elder Guzman, his father just recently passed away. Thanks.
I love you all so much, hope you have a wonderful week!
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He loves little things just like his mom!! |
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Week 33 (April 7, 2014)
Another short letter this week, I didn’t do very much haha. First off it is so weird that everyone is engaged! It is going to be so weird when I come back home!! oh well.
Yes they did cut off about half of the nail. To be honest the doctors down here really don’t know what they are doing. The good part is that it is really cheap hahah. The doctor numbed my toe so that was good, but getting a shot in your toe really hurts and to make it even better the needle broke off in my toe and was sticking out haha. Don’t worry we took pictures with the doctors cell phone haha. After about an hour of digging around in both toes, she finally finished haha. Good thing she is our neighbor because the whole operation was free :) missionary life is sweet. Then came the bad part, I had to stay in the house for another 4 days :(. After a while it gets really boring. I did read all of Mathew in a day :) Conference was sweet but it took us so much to get it to work here!! I’ll send y’all the picture. Conference was so sweet!!! This has been one of the most powerful one I have ever heard!!! I’m downloading it all right now so that I can study it in English this whole week!!!!! Can’t wait. I don’t know if Dad told you but there was a super cool talk in the priesthood session about the priesthood and women which was really cool. If you can find the time you should really watch it!!
Not that much happened this week haha.
Love you all tons!!!!! Elder Parduhn
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Hunter handing out paracord bracelets that Zack made before he left on his mission!! |
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Week 32 (March 31, 2014)
Another wonderful week!! Yes we had a special zone conference with president Morales. So monday night we headed off at like 5:00 the funny part about our area is that we are so dang far away from everyone haha we had to leave monday night so that we could sleep at the zone leaders house so we could travel again in the morning to Palenque. So we left here at 5:00 and got to the zone leaders house in Tenosique at like 8:00. The ride was sooo cooolll!! we were driving at night and we passed by field full of lightning bugs!!!!! It was the cooolest thing ever!!!! You could see the whole field because of all the green light. So that was pretty fun! We finaly arrived at the zone leaders house. They live in a big city. They also live 4 in a house, so we continued the party. Actually one of my very good friends from the mission Elder Allenback lives there!!! If you remember the first few photos I send home in like september, where there were only 3 of us. That is him haha. We had a blast. The next day we woke up and headed for palenque. It was a bout 3 more hours away. It was a sweet trip though. We pretty much drove through the jungle haha All the mountains, it was so cool. Palenque Is a really cool town, i really want to serve there! So about the special conference. It was really just help on our teaching skill. We did an activity. We had to pull someone off the street and bring them into the chapel. then we had to teach them lesson 1 with alot of different resources, While president was filming us!!!! Ya it was nerve racking!! but our lesson turned out really good!!! We got this lady to commit to baptism haha. The best part is, is that she was taking notes our whole lesson. haha What a great new investigator haha. then after we all finished president plugged his camera into a projector so that all the other missionaries could pick us apart haha. That was his Idea. Good thing the projector didnt work that day haha. Then after we ate with president and traveled back to the zone leaders house to sleep. then we came back home the next day. That was pretty much my week. I havent been able to leave the house for a few days. Mom Dont Worry All Is Well. Just an ingrown toenail that got infected haha in both my feet haha. So the doctor gave me some medicine and told me that I cant leave the house and walk around all day. Now that the infection is gone, I think they are going to cut the nail off haha I have no Idea, the doctors appointment is tonight I will let ya know. So my week has been studying, card games, and jokes hahah. It has been a sweet week. Not much else has happed a pretty normal week. :)
Love you all soo much!! I hope you enjoy this letter it is a little longer haha.
Elder Parduhn
Another wonderful week!! Yes we had a special zone conference with president Morales. So monday night we headed off at like 5:00 the funny part about our area is that we are so dang far away from everyone haha we had to leave monday night so that we could sleep at the zone leaders house so we could travel again in the morning to Palenque. So we left here at 5:00 and got to the zone leaders house in Tenosique at like 8:00. The ride was sooo cooolll!! we were driving at night and we passed by field full of lightning bugs!!!!! It was the cooolest thing ever!!!! You could see the whole field because of all the green light. So that was pretty fun! We finaly arrived at the zone leaders house. They live in a big city. They also live 4 in a house, so we continued the party. Actually one of my very good friends from the mission Elder Allenback lives there!!! If you remember the first few photos I send home in like september, where there were only 3 of us. That is him haha. We had a blast. The next day we woke up and headed for palenque. It was a bout 3 more hours away. It was a sweet trip though. We pretty much drove through the jungle haha All the mountains, it was so cool. Palenque Is a really cool town, i really want to serve there! So about the special conference. It was really just help on our teaching skill. We did an activity. We had to pull someone off the street and bring them into the chapel. then we had to teach them lesson 1 with alot of different resources, While president was filming us!!!! Ya it was nerve racking!! but our lesson turned out really good!!! We got this lady to commit to baptism haha. The best part is, is that she was taking notes our whole lesson. haha What a great new investigator haha. then after we all finished president plugged his camera into a projector so that all the other missionaries could pick us apart haha. That was his Idea. Good thing the projector didnt work that day haha. Then after we ate with president and traveled back to the zone leaders house to sleep. then we came back home the next day. That was pretty much my week. I havent been able to leave the house for a few days. Mom Dont Worry All Is Well. Just an ingrown toenail that got infected haha in both my feet haha. So the doctor gave me some medicine and told me that I cant leave the house and walk around all day. Now that the infection is gone, I think they are going to cut the nail off haha I have no Idea, the doctors appointment is tonight I will let ya know. So my week has been studying, card games, and jokes hahah. It has been a sweet week. Not much else has happed a pretty normal week. :)
Love you all soo much!! I hope you enjoy this letter it is a little longer haha.
Elder Parduhn
Here are a few people that he had to say good bye to from his first area that he had been serving there for 81/2 months::
Week 31 (March 24, 2014)
Sorry but a short one, we just got told that we need to travel to Palenque tonight.
My new área is so cool! It took me about 12 hours in a bus to get here. I moved from one side of the misión to the other. I also got moved from a small town to an even smaller town hahah. My companion is Elder Segura he is from Mexico City. We live here as 4 Elders. One of them is my friend from my last área haha. We are in a very very small branch here. Our prayer house is so cool though!
The best part is, is that we are the only área in the misión that gets to baptize in a river!!!!! I’m so pumped!. I’m still getting to know the people but there are alot of nice people here. It is funny because half of the people here are long distance family so we are tight with all of them. We are teaching quite a bit of people and are very close to getting a few baptism dates, we are just trying to solve a few doubts, I hope that things will change.
Sorry short one but it is time to leave. I love yall so much!!}
Elder P
My new área is so cool! It took me about 12 hours in a bus to get here. I moved from one side of the misión to the other. I also got moved from a small town to an even smaller town hahah. My companion is Elder Segura he is from Mexico City. We live here as 4 Elders. One of them is my friend from my last área haha. We are in a very very small branch here. Our prayer house is so cool though!
The best part is, is that we are the only área in the misión that gets to baptize in a river!!!!! I’m so pumped!. I’m still getting to know the people but there are alot of nice people here. It is funny because half of the people here are long distance family so we are tight with all of them. We are teaching quite a bit of people and are very close to getting a few baptism dates, we are just trying to solve a few doubts, I hope that things will change.
Sorry short one but it is time to leave. I love yall so much!!}
Elder P
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