Week 40
So yes this turned out to be a very eventful week. The first part of the week, we were in the house and not allowed to leave. Then tuesday night we received a call from Hna Morales telling us that we were to leave for Villahermosa to get tests taken. So wednesday morning we headed out at 5 for villa. We arrived at like 2 in the afternoon.

Traveling to Villahermosa!!
We were absolutely lost going from a tiny little town to a huge city. Hna Morales told us when we got there to go to the Emergency room at the Hospital. We were like WHAT??? the emergency room?? Thanks to what my companion told her she thought we were literally dying!!. But being super obedient missionaries we headed to the Emergency room. As we strolled into the Emergency room the nurse looked at us and started laughing haha. They told us that it wasn’t urgent and kicked us out. Which I didn’t get because as we were leaving a kid from an elementary school showed up with a scraped knee and all the doctors rushed around trying to help him haha. So we called Hna Morales, she asked to talk to the nurse there (poor nurse). So she yelled the ear off the nurse until they let us in. I had a super cool doctor that had lots of Missionary friends, so he joked around with us a little about Joseph Smith haha. They found out that the rash was an allergic reaction to the different type of penicillin they use down here to cure the skin infection I got. haha So they put a drip tube in. Or whatever it is called, the bag they hang up with the shot that goes into your arm to like give you water or something. So they put that in and then came back with the biggest shot I have ever seen in my life!!!!!! Good thing they put it in the tube so I didn’t have to get another shot. Then they got out the Ultrasound machine to check for Kidney Stones on me and Elder Alonzo. We ended up still having the infection but the Kidney Stones no. So we dodged a bullet there. So now all is good.

After we slept in the house that I stayed in my first night here! It was cool to go back. Then thursday morning we went to the temple to buy stuff then headed home. We got home thursday night and so thursday and friday we had to stay in the house.

Now comes Friday, I was able to leave again and start working. This is when we found our golden contact. His name is Diego and he loves everything we teach him!!! He lived in Oklahoma for 16 years before so he speaks really good english. We taught him about the restoration and he loved it. He actually came to church yesterday for the first time and everyone thought that he was a member because he used the book of mormon better that all of the members. He was also able to meet President Morales because he came yesterday. Yesterday was our branch conference. He really came to get mad at the members for talking bad about us and not helping. He might actually take us 4 out and close the area. It was actually a really good conference! I love hearing Sister Morales Talk because she is so powerful!!! I was able to learn so much from them.
That was my weird week haha I just want you to know (mom) that I am all good and to not worry! Love you all so much!!!
Elder Parduhn

Villahermosa temple!