Wow im am like litterally dying here in the heat! It is getting really hot down here!
This week was a very sucessful week! We were able to help alot of people.
As of right now we are working in 2 areas. We are in a huge ward as well as a little branch ahah. This ward is making me feel like i am back home haha We found a family this week that live in the little branch area, it is a coule that have 9 children!!! A few of the children are baptized, the only people that are left are the parents. We are going to go this week and marry this couple so that we can baptize them next week!!! I am so excited with this family. Im excited about the baptism but even more excited about the sealing. I really hope that they are able to get sealed!!!!! This family is so special!!!!! i am very excited to continue to work with them.

Also this week i was able to do divisions with the zone leaders. It is funny becuase they litterally live right behind the mission offices haha. It was a good division we were able to contact many people and teach some new investigators. Acutally we showed up to one house, this was a house that none of the missionaries have contacted up until this point, it was a reference from the sister missionaries. So we show up to the door. We notice that right next to the door there is this huge Virgin Marry statue and all these candles, so we were like dang this is a catholic house. Thats when the young women opened the door. She was super excited and ushered us is. ( She was the sister missionaries friend.) So we walk in a meet here mom and you can just tell that she is so ticked because 2 mormon missionaries just walked into her house. So we start getting to know them, and yes they were super catholic, and then we started teaching them. I could tell that as we started teaching the Mom started getting really interested in what we had to say. We only got like half a lesson in when we ended it. At the end these two investigators are just so into it hahaha they became good friends and were very excited to invite us over again. ahhaha I love how the gospel can change peoples lives!!!!
i got to go but I love you guys a ton!!!!!!! Have a wonderful week.