hahah thats funny to
hear about grandma, I hope that she is alright. I hope your alright too hahaha
I saw the picture and it scared me a little haha I hope dad got my email. And I
hope that his birthday was awesome!
Well this week was just
another one of those good ole weeks. Well more or less. First off We did it we
burned the piƱata with all the clothes it was awesome. That means that my
companion has now completed 2 years! haha
Second off Elder Restrepo got really sick
on Tuesday, so we tried tracting but ended up going home a
little bit early so that he could rest. I was like, well thats just a bummer I
hate being sick haha. But then came the next day. Wow whatever he had hit me so
hard! I was feeling so terrible Wednesday, and to make things
better our district leader Elder Grossman payed a little visit and told us that
we were going to be having surprise splits. ahhh It was probably the worst day
ever to have splits!! But all is well haha. So we were like OK Vamos! and so I
ended up going with my bud Elder Angeles to his area and Elder G stayed here. It was actually a wonderful day! We had some very powerful lessons with people in
their area!
So then we came back and went with Emmanuel to the bishop ( he is a
doctor) We ended up getting an infection from some uncooked pork a sister gave
us Monday. So he prescribed some pills and now we are all
better :) well I am, Elder Restrepo still feels sick. So that was fun. Then the
next day we went to teach English class and as we were walking home we were
stopped by a man in a terrorist gang. He was asking me all these weird
questions like ´Why are Americas killing Mexican children´ and stuff like that.
My companion signaled at me not to talk and I'm glad he did because the man
ended up being armed haha so for the next 5 min he told me how he was going to
sneak into the U.S and kill our president. So that was weird and a first. All
is well though don't worry mom!! haha Then we had to go to a conference in
Minatitlan Mexico. It was a meeting for all the stakes in the state of Veracruz
that were also in our mission. So there ended up being about 96 missionaries
there hahahah. It was really good, They focused of how we as a ward counsel can
do more to help the missionaries in the work of salvation. Elder Walker from
the 70 was the speaker. He is from Argentina so he had a weird accent haha. Then
We went to eat at Pizza Hut and Dairy Queen. hahah So weird eating at places
like that. Then we went to Office Depot to buy a new notebook haha. There is a
little bit of American influence here.
That was pretty much our
week. We are still doing good with all our investigators. We are having a hard
time getting them to church because of our time. 8 in the morning. But we will
get there. As far as my companion. He leaves next Monday. I hope to be finally getting my first transfer but who knows. The
ward is really sad because I'm leaving haha they say I have been here so long
they feel like it is impossible to move me now I have to finish my mission here
haha. but we will see.
Love you all!! Talk to
ya next week!!
Elder Parduhn
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Wow! He looks so tall!! |
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