hahah Mom I love ya to death but I have been
out for like 370 days now hahah BUT YES I AM NOW HALF WAY DONE!!! And
can I say it was a pretty epic week!! Really it was just an epic
weekend. It all starts with Thursday. Thursday
was my halfway mark and yes mom I did burn stuff haha.
Happy 1 year!!!!!!!!!!! |

It was a very interesting day. We started walking around trying to find people but really didn't end up finding many people, so we just started contacting people in the roads. 6:00 Pm as we are walking we receive a phone call. We look at our phone and it is a unrecognized number, so of course we answer haha. It ended up being the stake president here in our stake. He told us that the stake patriarch was not feeling so good and that we had to go to the stake center immediately (our church). So we start running to the stake center. As we get there the stake president shows up. Remember this is my 1 year mark day. He tells us that we have to go give him a blessing. The stake patriarch lives in the sisters area so we were the ones he wanted. So we show up to give him a blessing. Guess who ended up giving the blessing. Me! It is the weirdest thing giving a blessing to a patriarch haha. But all went really well. It was a super cool experience. One I will not forget. Our stake president is super cool.
Now comes Friday. That was my companions B-Day hahah another day of partying. So we go out and do our normal teaching. But we were planning a surprise B-Day party at the exact same time. We all bought a Ice cream cake from dairy queen. UMMMMM So we show up to Luis house (the young man that teaches with us every day.) his family is super cool, they are all investigators but they know everything so are pretty much members.
They wanted to do the party there. So we showed up at like 8 o clock in the night, he was surprised he didn't know what was happening. This family actually bought another cake and so we had to eat 2 huge cakes. We were stuffed when we left the house haha. But it was a super fun night.
Saturday was spent preparing for Catarinos baptism. He finally felt good enough to go for a swim hahah. He was telling us all week that God was calling him and that he is ready to answer the call hahah So Sunday at 8 o clock we had his baptismal service. He is the sweetest old man ahaha and he is so funny. He is like almost def so when bishop was welcoming him to the ward he stood up and like gave his whole life story haha. After, we had the services I was the one who ended up confirming him. It was a cool experience. That was the first confirmation I have ever done.
That was my wonderful half mission week. Sounds like everything is going good back home except for zack. Tell him i hope he gets better!!
Love y'all tons!!!
Elder P