This was a super awesome week. First off Mexico lost in the world cup yesterday :( on the bright side the shirt prices were cut in half hahah :). We had a super cool conference with president this week. He came and talked about the importance of contacting. Because we aren’t allowed to knock on doors, we just have to contact people on the street. President has now said that we have to find 2 new people to teach every day!! We have been doing it!! You know me I get like super shy talking to people, you won’t believe it, it is like a miracle I changed a ton ahha. Now it is like nothing to walk up to some random stranger and just start talking to them. I can really see the blessing that has come from our new rule. We have gotten super close as a zone as well. We live in apartments and our neighbors are the elders from the other area. We are getting so close. One is from Idaho and the other is another one from Equador. I don’t know what it is but the Elders from Equador are becoming like my best friends. We had a zone baptism this week, it was super fun. While the other elders and sisters were taking pictures with their converts, me and Elder Conforme (equador) were jumping in and stealing photos with their converts haha Ohh we are having so much fun here. I honestly love the mission.

Also we had a talent show activity this week haha me and my companion played “ Nearer my god to thee” on the flute, two parts, and Luis sang hahah when they called us up the crowd went wild hahah it was a super fun activity.

That is the update from Minatitlan Mexico.
I hope you all are doing well!!
Elder Parduhn
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